Do you have a website or want to share your channel with others? We have a lot of ways you can implement a link to your channel, an iframe, text-links, etc. Please choose from below which would work best for you:

IRC4Fun online status badges:

Example URL Result
Network user count user count badge
User count for #IRC4Fun #IRC4Fun badge
Invalid channel name (error handling) invalid badge badges:

Red: red

* Replace #My_Channel with your Channel Name


* Replace #My_Channel with your Channel Name

Blue: blue

* Replace #My_Channel with your Channel Name

Customize: Customize the Color & Words

* Replace #My_Channel with your Channel Name, Replace #green with a color preference:

  • 1) brightgreen
  • 2) green
  • 3) yellowgreen
  • 4) yellow
  • 5) orange
  • 6) red
  • 7) lightgrey
  • 8) blue
  • 9) ff69b4

URL Link (to share on Facebook, Twitter, and all the social Medias!)

*Replace #Your_Channel with your real channel name.

HTML Link (to put on your own website, share with friends, etc)

*Replace #Your_Channel with your real channel name.

iFrame (insert into a webage)

* Replace #Your_Channel with your channel name.