• There are 660 users & 54 staff members across 148 channels.
  • Channels with chanmode +s set will be excluded from the list.
  • (the table is sortable by clicking on the column headers -- click on a #ChannelName to join it via WebChat, in a new window)
Name Users Topic
#21 4 BLACK JACK! (Commands: !blackjack !join !hit !hold) - You need 2+ players.
#AFWI 2 (no topic set)
#ahs 51 {American Horror Story - S12 (Delicate) sucked as badly as imagined. WTF has happened to this series?}
#all 1 (no topic set)
#Anope 2 (no topic set)
#anti-iris 0 (no topic set)
#artea 2 (no topic set)
#Asylum 9 Welcome to the asylum - the server channel for apocalypse.* ➕ coven.* ➕ inspire.* (https://irc4fun.net/servers/) | IPv6 & SSL ✔️ | 💻 Network Help Channel: #Help - Chat: #IRC4Fun
#Atheme 2 (no topic set)
#australia 9 Welcome To #Australia 🙂 Multi Network Linking Project!
#blackjack-test 1 (no topic set)
#Bots 23 🤖 Welcome to the official IRC4Fun Bots Channel - Questions/Comments/Requests are welcome. | ozone (Anti-Abuse bot): https://irc4fun.net/r/ozone ~ Oracle (ChanTracker & More): https://irc4fun.net/r/oracle (https://irc4fun.net/kb/general/other/bots/) 🤖
#buddhism 2 (no topic set)
#Buzznet 3 (no topic set)
#California 1 (no topic set)
#canada 1 (no topic set)
#Cannabis 3 (no topic set)
#ChampionsTrivia 0 (no topic set)
#Chat 10 💬 Welcome to #chat [🔐 SSL connections required] 🥂 Be kind to each other 🗣️ [®️ Account may be required at times: /NS REGISTER Password email@address.com]
#ChatNB 33 Chat Room for https://chatnb.net (EN) (FR) Register your nickname: /NS REGISTER password email@address.com
#chess 1 (no topic set)
#ComputerTech 42 (no topic set)
#coronavirus 41 #coronavirus 🦠 Follow the Coronavirus on IRC | ℹ️ Information at various times, you may also use ~corona <country> or ~corona <state> World-wide/Global: ~corona
#dennis 6 (no topic set)
#devel 0 Hi, i mostly do modules for inspircd-4, anope 2.1, atheme v7. Bots and webdev with django(python). Feel free to ask. Check my github: https://github.com/revrsefr - Please use https://dpaste.org . Do not spam the channel.
#development 39 IRC4Fun Development Channel 👨‍💻👩‍💻💻📝 GitHub: https://GitHub.com/IRC4Fun/ - Want to contribute? Hang out here
#Discord 37 IRC4Fun's Discord Server (Discord4Fun) 🗨️ -- Chat & Help Channel | aDgors has been working hard to get the Discord optimized, modern, and running! (https://irc4.fun/discord)
#duckhunt 43 Welcome to #DuckHunt! news: unlimited ammo! - free rearms with !rearm <nick> - levels upto 150! the numbers have been worked out with magical formulas by a freak in the sheets! - slight xp increase. (Last game's winner: msmatrix - !duckstats msmatrix100)
#eggdrop 3 (no topic set)
#evilnet 81 12'Welcome to #evilnet NEWS: New server linked https://www.evilnet.org/nite-server-granted-testlink/ || NEWS: We have implemented Anycast servers, try it ix.evilnet.org | Need Help? join #help | Join #Vhost for a cool hostname ||
#FixYourConnection 4 ℹ️ If you have been redirected to this channel, it is usually because your IRC client is unstable or flooding with joins/parts/quits/etc. 📓 You must be registered and identified with NickServ to speak / ask about how you ended up here.
#formula1-news 7 4 Welcome to #Formula1-news 6type !commands for the channel commands 4Next 3 -= australian grand prix 16-03-2025 =-
#GitHub 2 Welcome to GitHub - (un)official GitHub Chat / Help Channel
#goldeneye 1 (no topic set)
#Help 20 ❓ Official IRC4Fun Network & Services Help Channel | 🔑 Register your Nickname: /NS REGISTER password your@email.com | 🪧 Register your Channel: /CS REGISTER #Channel Description of Channel | 🚥 STATUS: https://irc4fun.github.io/status | 💻 https://irc4fun.net/kb/ | ✉️ Contact Us: Support@IRC4Fun.net
#herb 1 (no topic set)
#horror 38 😱 🔪 👻 🧟‍♂️ 🧟‍♀️ 🧛 Horror Movies: Discussions, Reviews, Endings Explained 🗨️ 🧛 🧟‍♀️ 🧟‍♂️ 👻 🔪 😱
#idlerpg 22 /msg idlerpg REGISTER <char name> <password> <char class>
#india 1 (no topic set)
#irc4fun 183 👋 Welcome to the official IRC4Fun Chat Channel 💬 | 🔐 Register your nickname: /NS REGISTER password email@address.com | 🎉🧁 IRC4Fun celebrates 17 years 🎂🎉 | 📣 Our website: https://IRC4Fun.net | 👁️‍🗨️ Discord: https://irc4fun.net/r/discord | 📊 Stats: https://irc4fun.net/r/cstats
#IRC4Fun] 1 (no topic set)
#ircdrama 1 (no topic set)
#ircnow 8 For support, join irc.ircnow.org or write to support@ircnow.org | Official website at https://ircnow.org | https://afwi.net/maint.html
#ircplus 54 👋 Welcome to IRCplus➕ - providing 🆓 TheLounge & 🆕 ZNC accounts, as well as IRCplus➕ PyLink! (https://ircplus.net/ - Request Account: https://ircplus.net/request)
#italia 0 ~~~ === Canale di chat italiano === ~~~
#Jeopardy 33 Jeopardy is currently down. We will update the topic with more information, once it is available. Sorry for the inconvenience.
#KnightDevils 2 https://knightdevils.com https://git.knightdevils.com https://wiki.knightdevils.com https://bin.knightdevils.com
#LGBT 48 🏳️‍🌈 Welcome to #LGBT! 🌈 - To Register, type: /NS REGISTER myPassword myValid@Email.com 🟥🟧🟨🟩🟦🟪
#libertarian 1 (no topic set)
#Linux 44 .: Latest versions :: Mainline: 6.13-rc6 :: Stable: 6.12.9 :: LTS: 6.6.71 ::::.
#linux-it 0 (no topic set)
#linux4fun 41 Not limited to, but including General Linux chat and beginner linux help! (People may be away/working/sleeping or other things, go grab a coffee, leave a message, go do something else and you'll catch someone sooner rather than later)
#lobby 56 🗨️ Welcome to the lobby! ℹ️ You can /join #IRC4Fun  to join our main channel, or use /list  for a list of channels! (https://irc4fun.net) | 🔐 Register your nickname: /NS REGISTER password email@address.com | ⏸️ Use SASL to avoid being autojoined: https://irc4fun.net/r/sasl
#marijuana 2 (no topic set)
#math 1 (no topic set)
#Mexico 3 (no topic set)
#mircphantom 13 Welcome to chat, please pm pennywise as he's single and lonely 😉
#MizzFitzNetwork 0 (no topic set)
#multirpg 11 Multinet IdleRPG | Register: /msg multirpg register <user> <password> <class> | Web: http://multirpg.net | Help/Chat: #multirpg-discuss
#MySpace.bas 0 Welcome to #MySpace.bas! Respect each other, keep it civil, and respect the OPs.
#Nascar 1 (no topic set)
#Nepal 0 (no topic set)
#netflix 1 (no topic set)
#NL 1 (no topic set)
#nullrewted 13 undernet smells
#NuttySP 1 (no topic set)
#over 1 (no topic set)
#pickering 1 (no topic set)
#Politics 36 Welcome to #Politics (USA) - Please register with NickServ (/NS REGISTER YourPassword Your@ValidEmail.com) to speak & remember to be respectful - Channel Rules: https://irc4fun.net/r/prules/
#portal 6 ...::: Portal , Homies 4 Life :::... ...::: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LHJ9TYUctp8 :::... ...::: http://chanstats.global-irc.eu/stats/portal.html :::...
#PyLink 1 (no topic set)
#radio 2 4Website - www.clubbingradio.fr | 4IOS - https://tinyurl.com/y6h62za9 | 4Android - https://tinyurl.com/yxcrmwpe
#Ratbox 1 (no topic set)
#romania 2 (no topic set)
#russtest 1 (no topic set)
#sacredland 27 #sacredland - shared with undernet & rizon -> https://irc4fun.net/uin/
#scrabble 6 try it out i guess? use !word, to get a new word - and what's best? you gotta type it everytime for a new word...because yeah.
#seti@home 1 (no topic set)
#ShareTheTimeInOffice 1 (no topic set)
#SnakesAndLadders 6 HELP: !snakes - starts game ; !dice - throw the dice ; !topXX [fastest/longest] - show the top (ex !top10) ; !sstat <nick/#> (view stats for a <nick> or place) -- first to 100 (on the dot!) wins!
#softavis 0 (no topic set)
#Solanum 1 (no topic set)
#strangerthings 14 4,1 Stranger Things  - Season 5 is in production! RELEASE DATE: 2025
#swimop 1 (no topic set)
#TeamQuiz 0 1,8:) 8,4:) 1,13:) 11,2:) 0,1:) 5,7:) 1,15:)  0,2 A Team Quiz will be available when requested ahead of time during the 16 hours a day it is available.1,8:) 8,4:) 1,13:) 11,2:) 0,1:) 5,7:) 1,15:)  0,2
#telamon 0 telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon telamon
#tennis 1 (no topic set)
#TheLounge 20 IRCplus➕ TheLounge -- Chat & Support -- Requests are temporarily closed🔒, please check back soon! 🔜
#tilde.green 4 03Welcome to #tilde.green /~/ Website: https://tilde.green /~/ PasteBin: https://paste.tilde.green /~/ Nextcloud: https://cloud.tilde.green /~/ ZNC: https://znc.tilde.green /~/ Op'd users are Staff, Voice users are Users
#toronto 1 (no topic set)
#trivia 38 this is where trivia is
#Ukraine 40 🌻🌻🌻 💬 News & Discussion of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine 🇺🇦 - ☮️ Please be civil & considerate of each other - 👢 Any assholes (pro-Putin/pro-War/Far Right loons) will be removed 🚪 - 🌻🌻🌻
#unitedstates 1 (no topic set)
#uno 40 to start uno, !uno - after the game has started, you can play against the bot or other people, type: jo - then for playing... to play your blue 5 card, type: p b 5, to pass type: pa ...to draw a card, type dr....
#Unreal 1 (no topic set)
#usa 2 (no topic set)
#Wasteland 7 If you ended up here, it means you need to REGISTER & IDENTIFY with Services before you can /JOIN -- Use /NS REGISTER password email@address.com and confirm your email before using /JOIN #ChannelName
#weed 1 (no topic set)
#werewolf 9 Welcome to #werewolf game. The goal is to find who's the wolf. Needs 4 players to play. Type !join to join the game. !start to start game. See https://werewolf.chat/Commands for more. Channel will be +m once a game starts. #idlerpg for idlers.
#wordgames 2 wordtwist [easy|medium|hard|evil] (def: medium) | wordshrink [easy|medium|hard|evil] (def: medium) -- Start a word-shrink game. Make new words by dropping one letter from the previous word and rearranging the remaining letters. | (boggle [command]) -- Play a game of Boggle. Commands: [easy|medium|hard|evil] stop|stats | wordquit
#Xtheme 2 Xtheme IRC Services | Development has ended | GitHub: https://github.com/XthemeOrg/Xtheme/ | Report Bugs: https://github.com/XthemeOrg/Xtheme/issues | Current Release: 8.0.3 (final) ( please see NEWS.md before upgrading )
#ZNC 7 IRCplus➕ ZNC -- Chat & Support -- Requests are temporarily closed🔒, please check back soon! 🔜

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