Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)



When you connect to the IRC4Fun Network, you agree to be bound by the following rules. If you do not abide by the following rules, you may find yourself banned (K-Lined) from the IRC4Fun server that you’re using and/or (G/Z-lined) from the network. If you do not agree, simply disconnect from the network and do not reconnect.


Open proxies are not allowed on the IRC4Fun network. When you connect to IRC4Fun, your connection will be scanned for open (and potentially insecure) proxies. This is not an attack on your system and will only happen when you connect. Your IP will also be checked against various Abuse Prevention DNS blacklists — if there is a match; you will be automatically Z-Lined.

Issues causing users to be listed on a DNS Blacklist must be resolved before the user will be able to successfully connect to IRC4Fun. IRC4Fun Staff are not able to override this Abuse Prevention measure.  You may contact IRC4Fun Staff after resolving the issue with the DNS Blacklist and being removed, by opening a Support Ticket or emailing Help @

1 – Connection Rules

  1. You agree to follow this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) as well as any posted server policies for the IRC4Fun Server that you connect to. (Always be mindful of the /MOTD of each server)
  2. Limit Connections to 3 per IP.  (This is enforced by all servers, globally.)  You may contact us at Help @ if you need to request a higher connections limit.
  3. BOTS: Each IRC4Fun server has a different policy regarding Bots. Please refer to each server’s /MOTD. Abusive (or nice bots on non-bot servers) bots will be K-lined.
  4. Systems that are connected without the system-operator’s permission/knowledge will be Z-lined. (banned from the network)
  5. Infected computers (often referred to as “Drones” or “Botnets”) are not permitted on IRC4Fun and will be Z-lined. (banned from the network)
  6. Each server’s administrative team retains the right to deny access to or use of its server’s resources to any user(s), group, site, or domain, without the benefit of prior warning or notification if they so choose

2 – Your Conduct

  1. You will not attempt any denial of service (“DoS”) actions or abuse of IRC4Fun users or resources, including but not limited to flooding, cloning, mass-advertising (mass-messaging/mass-inviting), or spam.
  2. You will not post links to: misinformation, hate-speech, malware/viruses, copyright infringement, trade/sale of personal information, child pornography.
  3. You will not use IRC4Fun resources (servers/channels) for illegal purposes. (Copyright infringement, Trade/Sale of Personal Information, Child Pornography distribution, etc) Though IRC4Fun does not monitor the traffic or information passed through it’s servers; Channels or Users found to be engaged in such activity will be removed from IRC4Fun immediately.
  4. Repeated ban evasion from channels may result in a network-wide G-line (ban from the network).
  5. Repeated G-line evasion will result in new and much longer G-lines. (We may also contact your Internet Service Provider or ISP.)
  6. Remember that you are a Guest on our network, and you are expected to act accordingly. The use of our servers and services is a privilege, not a right.

3 – Services

  1. IRC4Fun provides IRC services (such as NickServ, ChanServ, MemoServ, BotServ) to it’s users free of charge, but under the conditions that the services are not abused.
  2. Nickname Registrations / NickServ:
    1. A valid email address is required.
    2. You may register your primary nickname and GROUP up to 5 others to your account.
    3. Your account may not be used to evade bans, quiets, or to perform abuse, troll, etc.
  3. Channel Registrations / ChanServ:
    1. Channels may not claim to be official, unless they are under the official management and control of IRC4Fun.
    2. Channels which promote or regularly engage in hate speech, mass-advertise/message/invite, engage in illegal activities or violence, or are found to contain large amounts of Drones or Botnets will be permanently closed.
  4. Memo Delivery Service / MemoServ:
    1. MemoServ is not to be used to bully, harass, mass-advertise, mass-invite, mass-message or spam users.  Such incidents should be reported to #Help or via the HelpDesk.
  • Generally, each user is allowed to have 1 account (primary nickname) and group up to 5 others that they regularly use to their account.
  • An additional account(s) may be created for user or channel bot(s), but this should be asked about in #Help to ensure the bot is properly identified as a bot (e.g. ensuring it sets usermode +B  /mode Botnick +B) and a point of contact is able to be established.  You may also register your bot via the HelpDesk.

3e. Discord (Discord4Fun)

IRC4Fun also has a Discord Server that is bridged to our IRC network.  The rules (etiquette) for our Discord server are the same as this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).

Channels which participate with Discord4Fun are OPT-IN, meaning that the Channel’s ownership has to opt-IN to having their IRC channel bridged onto the Discord, or vice versa.

Discord has it’s own Guidelines, Privacy Policy and Terms, which are applicable as well as this Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).  If you find yourself suspended or banned from Discord; you understand that IRC4Fun is not affiliated with, or able to resolve any account-related matters — you will need to reach out to Discord’s staff.

Reporting abuse of Services should be made via the HelpDesk, by clicking here.


4 – Channels

  1. Channel names & topics may not imply that they are official or endorsed by IRC4Fun, Services, or IRC4Fun Staff unless they are managed by IRC4Fun Committees.
  2. IRC4Fun provides Channel Services (ChanServ) to users that wish to register and run their own channels. Registered channels are able to maintain their own access & ban lists, preserve modes/topics/settings, bans and more.
  3. IRC4Fun Staff do not intervene in channel disputes over bans, modes, ops, policies or rules.
  4. Channels that promote or regularly engage in hate speech are subject to suspension or channel closure.
  5. Channels found to engage in unsolicited advertising to IRC4Fun users or violation of the network AUP may be subject to suspension or channel closure.
  6. Botnet/Drone or Bot control channels are strictly prohibited on IRC4Fun.
  7. Channel topics that are potentially malicious (URLs or the text of the Topic itself) will result in the channel’s closure and users in the channel (at the time of Staff becoming aware) can / will be removed from the channel (or even the network), depending on the Staff discretion.

5 – Network Staff

  1. IRC4Fun Opers & Administrators must comply with the Acceptable Operating Policy (AOP) which can be found here. Violations will result in Corrective Action.
  2. IRC4Fun provides voluntary assistance with Services (ChanServ, NickServ, etc) personnel on an as-available basis. Official IRC4Fun channel for assistance is #Help.
  3. IRC4Fun provides voluntary assistance with IRC Operators (IRC Ops) personnel on an as-available basis. #IRC4Fun is the Official IRC4Fun Network Help & Chat channel.
  4. Instances of Staff abuse should be reported here with as much information and logs possible.

6 – Disclaimer

  1. The administration of the IRC4Fun does not log or monitor any traffic that may pass through their servers for content or clarity. By retaining a connection to any part of IRC4Fun, you state that you know and are willing to comply and accept these as well as any future terms of service, network policies, and user guidelines.
  2. No responsibility for computer damage, data loss, or any other damage shall be implied by any IRC4Fun server administrator. By using any IRC4Fun server, you hereby state and agree that you release IRC4Fun, its servers, administrators, operators, and any other volunteer of IRC4Fun from all responsibility or legal liability which might result from your use of IRC4Fun servers.
  3. IRC4Fun administrators reserve the right to deny access to and use of the IRC4Fun IRC network or any of its other resources, including but not limited to nickname & channel services, technical mailing lists, and FTP sites, to any user, group, site, or domain without the benefit of prior warning or notification if necessary.
  4. IRC4Fun reserves the right to update these terms at any time, with, or without prior notification.

7 – Consequences for Violation

  1. If you violate any rule or regulation stated in this document or on the MOTD of any IRC4Fun server, you will be subject to progressive disciplinary action, including but not limited to denial of access to any IRC4Fun server or the entire network, or legal action where applicable. Denial of access to a particular IRC4Fun server can be made at the server administrator’s discretion. Your Internet provider may be denied access to the server or network if you successfully evade a ban.
  2. The IRC4Fun IRC Network is under no circumstances to be used for illegal activities. Observed and verifiable instances may be reported to the appropriate authorities.
  3. Although the IRC4Fun network itself is an unmoderated forum, the IRC4Fun administration will cooperate fully with any officially recognized law enforcement body to the best of its capability when required to do so by force of law.

8 – Appealing a Violation

If you are banned or denied access to an IRC4Fun server or the entire network, you should follow the procedure outlined below. Please note, however, that IRC4Fun server administrators are under no obligation to take any further action if you are denied access.

  • If you are K:lined (banned from a specific server), contact the server administration (/ADMIN will display a contact e-mail address, explaining how future incidents can be avoided.)
  • If you are G:lined (banned from the entire network for a particular length of time), email Help [at], explaining how future incidents can be avoided.  You can also open a Support Ticket here.
  • If you are Z:lined (banned from the entire network for a particular lenth of time), For DNSBL inquiries: You must address the issues that caused your IP address to be listed in a DNS Abuse Prevention blacklist before emailing Help [at] -or- opening a Support Ticket to request removal. (Otherwise the servers will continue to automatically re-add the Z:line).  You can also open a Support Ticket here.
  • DNSBL Z:Lines last for 1 day.


Last Updated: 07/17/2024