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BotServ KICK

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Configures bot kickers.

Note: access to this command is controlled by the level SET.


kick AMSG channel {ON|OFF} [tbb]
Sets the AMSG kicker on or off. When enabled, the bot will kick users who send the same message to multiple channels where BotServ bots are.
ttb is the number of times a user can be kicked before they get banned. Don’t give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.

kick BADWORDS channel {ON|OFF} [tbb]
Sets the bad words kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who say certain words on the channels. You can define bad words for your channel using the BADWORDS command. Type /msg BotServ HELP BADWORDS for more information.
ttb is the number of times a user can be kicked before it gets banned. Don’t give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.

kick BOLDS channel {ON|OFF} [tbb]
Sets the bolds kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who use bolds.
ttb is the number of times a user can be kicked before it gets banned. Don’t give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.

kick CAPS channel {ON|OFF} [tbb [min [percent] ] ]
Sets the caps kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who are talking in CAPS. The bot kicks only if there are at least min caps and they constitute at least percent% of the total text line (if not given, it defaults to 10 characters and 25%).
ttb is the number of times a user can be kicked before it gets banned. Don’t give ttb to disablethe ban system once activated.

kick COLORS channel {ON|OFF} [tbb]
Sets the colors kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who use colors.
ttb is the number of times a user can be kicked before it gets banned. Don’t give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.

kick FLOOD channel {ON|OFF} [tbb [ln [secs] ] ]
Sets the flood kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who are flooding the channel using at least ln lines in secs seconds (if not given, it defaults to 6 lines in 10 seconds).
ttb is the number of times a user can be kicked before it gets banned. Don’t give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.

kick ITALICS channel {ON|OFF} [tbb]
Sets the italics kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who use italics.
ttb is the number of times a user can be kicked before it gets banned. Don’t give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.

kick REPEAT channel {ON|OFF} [tbb [num] ]
Sets the repeat kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who are repeating themselves num times (if num is not given, it defaults to 3).
ttb is the number of times a user can be kicked before it gets banned. Don’t give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.

kick REVERSES channel {ON|OFF} [tbb]
Sets the reverses kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who use reverses.
ttb is the number of times a user can be kicked before it gets banned. Don’t give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.

kick UNDERLINES channel {ON|OFF} [tbb]
Sets the underlines kicker on or off. When enabled, this option tells the bot to kick users who use underlines.
ttb is the number of times a user can be kicked before it gets banned. Don’t give ttb to disable the ban system once activated.

kick DONTKICKOPS channel {ON|OFF}



/msg BotServ KICK #myChannel REPEAT ON +1d 5

/msg BotServ KICK #mychannel REVERSES ON

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