IRC4Fun Routing Committee


Welcome to the IRC4Fun Routing Committee, comprised of IRC4Fun Server Administrators.



Application & Server Database-

buzznet.IRC4Fun.netParrot01/31/2025ON HOLDVOTE INFO- Yes: 1, No: 1, Abstain: 2, NoVote: 0 (ON HOLD)
Server Location is already covered by 2 servers. Please reopen application when in another datacenter.
US.HubsiniStar10/11/2024FULL LINKVOTE INFO- Yes: 1, No: 0, Abstain: 0, NoVote: 3 (Entered TESTLINK)
EU.HubsiniStar10/08/2024FULL LINKVOTE INFO- Yes: 2, No: 0, Abstain: 0, NoVote: 2 (Entered TESTLINK)
whiterose.IRC4Fun.netdracorex09/18/2024FULL LINKVOTE INFO- Yes: 2, No: 0, Abstain: 1, NoVote: 1 (Entered TESTLINK)
chaos.IRC4Fun.nettabb08/08/2024FULL LINKNew server (in Hesse, Germany) by tabb
prometheus.IRC4Fun.netdracorex09/29/2023FULL LINK
prometheus.IRC4Fun.netdracorex08/29/2023TESTLINKNew server (in London, UK) by dracorex
exotic.IRC4Fun.nettabb08/07/2023DELINKEDServer has been discontinued, staff relocated
fsociety.IRC4Fun.netParrot02/04/2023DELINKEDServer has gone MIA
fsociety.IRC4Fun.netParrot01/07/2023TESTLINKVOTE INFO- Yes: 4, No: 0, NoVote: 2
helios.IRC4Fun.netcna_12/14/2022DELINKEDServer & Admin went MIA
enode.IRC4Fun.netcna_12/14/2022DELINKEDServer & Admin went MIA
kds.IRC4Fun.netParrot11/23/2022FULL LINKVOTE INFO- Yes: 3, No: 0, NoVote: 2
chatnb.IRC4Fun.netTi-Ti08/09/2022FULL LINKVOTE INFO- Yes: 3, No: 0, NoVote: 2
driven.IRC4Fun.netComputerTech07/14/2022FULL LINKDonated by IRCdriven
inspire.IRC4Fun.netsiniStar10/22/2021FULL LINKApproved Infra Change
UShub.IRC4Fun.netsiniStar08/24/2021FULL LINKHub has entered Testlink
UShub.IRC4Fun.netkatsklaw08/24/2021DELINKEDHub has been replaced
devilnet.IRC4Fun.netZeSt-9904/10/2021DELINKEDServer went MIA
VOTE INFO- Yes: 3, No: 0, NoVote: 2
odyssey.IRC4Fun.netmarc09/28/2020FULL LINKVOTE INFO- Yes: 3, No: 0, NoVote: 1
otaku.IRC4Fun.nettabb07/06/2020DELINKEDSponsor discontinued the service
marvel.IRC4Fun.netJingo07/04/2020REJECTEDVOTE INFO- Yes: 0, No: 3, NoVote: 1 (Rejected)
epsilon.IRC4Fun.nettabb02/21/2020DELINKEDSponsor discontinued the service
Gaga.IRC4Fun.netsiniStar12/10/2019RENAMEDNow known as
coven.IRC4Fun.netkatsklaw12/09/2019DELINKEDSponsor discontinued the service
illusion.IRC4Fun.netsiniStar11/25/2019RENAMEDNow known as
kingdom.IRC4Fun.nettabb10/11/2019DELINKEDDelinked due to lack of stability
tesla.IRC4Fun.nettabb08/19/2019DELINKEDDelinked due to lack of stability
enode.IRC4Fun.netcna_04/02/2019FULL LINKApproved from TESTLINK to FULL LINK
utopia.IRC4Fun.nettabb04/02/2019FULL LINKApproved from TESTLINK to FULL LINK
Grumpy.IRC4Fun.netTBNK42003/18/2019DELINKEDServer was no longer available
obscur.IRC4Fun.nettabb02/23/2019DELINKEDAdmin is replacing server
o3.IRC4Fun.netsiniStar12/25/2018DELINKEDServer is being retired
irc-chat.IRC4Fun.netEagleFox08/08/2018DELINKEDFAILED TESTLINK: Server split and Admin went MIA.
nemesis.IRC4Fun.netl0gic07/29/2018DELINKEDCFV Delink: VOTE INFO- YES: 9 of 11, NO: 0 of 11, NOVOTE: 2 of 11 - Details


Apply to Link a Server to IRC4Fun-

If you would like to link a server to IRC4Fun, please note the following:

  • We are not interested in being absorbed or consolidated under a new network or name.
  • You are applying to link to IRC4Fun and will use only authorized and approved resources.
  • Self-hosted servers on home connections are not allowed to link to IRC4Fun.
  • You agree to be bound by, and enforce all IRC4Fun Policies.

Apply Now! Click Here to start your application.

Votes & Weights-

Each IRC4Fun Server Administrator will have a weight of the amount of linked resources, servers or services.  If an Administrator has 3 linked servers, services, or vital resources; they will have a voting “weight” of 3.  If an Administrator has 4 linked servers, services, or vital resources; they will have a voting “weight” of 4.

Administrator: Weight/Resources:
dracorex 2
siniStar 6
tabb 1
Ti-Ti 1

Recent CFVs (Call For Votes)-

A CFV (also known as a “Call For Vote”) may be launched in situations where a disagreement of a linked server or operations practices, abuse reports, etc.  In the event of a CFV, voting weights will be applied.