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ChanServ SET

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Allows the channel founder to set various channel options and other information.


SET AUTOOP channel on|off
Enables or disables ChanServ’s autoop feature for a channel. When disabled, users who join the channel will not automatically gain any status from ChanServ.
SET BANTYPE channel bantype
Sets the ban type that will be used by services whenever they need to ban someone from your channel.

Bantype is a number between 0 and 3 that means:

0: ban in the form *!user@host 
1: ban in the form *!*user@host 
2: ban in the form *!*@host 
3: ban in the form *!*user@*.domain >Recommended<

SET DESC channel [description]
Sets the description for the channel, which shows up with the LIST and INFO commands.
SET DESCRIPTION channel [description]
Sets the description for the channel, which shows up with the LIST and INFO commands.
SET EMAIL channel email@address
Associate an E-mail address with the channel
SET FOUNDER channel nick
Changes the founder of a channel. The new nickname must be a registered one.
SET KEEPMODES channel {on|off}
Enables or disables keepmodes for the given channel. If keep modes is enabled, services will remember modes set on the channel and attempt to re-set them the next time the channel is created.
SET KEEPTOPIC channel {on|off}
Enables or disables the topic retention option for a channel. When set keeptopic is set, the topic for the channel will be remembered by ChanServ even after the last user leaves the channel, and will be restored the next time the channel is created.
SET NOEXPIRE channel {on|off}
Sets whether the given channel will expire. Setting this to ON prevents the channel from expiring.  NOTE: This command is restricted to Services Operators and above.
SET PEACE channel {on|off}
Enables or disables the peace option for a channel. When peace is set, a user won’t be able to kick, ban or remove a channel status of a user that has a level superior or equal to his via ChanServ commands.
SET PERSIST channel {on|off}
When persistent is set, the service bot will remain in the channel when it has emptied of users.
SET PRIVATE channel {on|off}
Enables or disables the private option for a channel. When private is set, the channel will not appear in ChanServ’s LIST command.
SET RESTRICTED channel {on|off}
Enables or disables the restricted access option for a channel. When restricted access is set, users not on the access list will instead be kicked and banned from the channel.
SET SECURE channel {on|off}
Enables or disables security features for a channel. When set secure is set to ON, only users who have registered their nicknames and IDENTIFY’d with their password will be given access to the channel as controlled by the access list.
SET SECUREFOUNDER channel {on|off}
Enables or disables the secure founder’ option for a channel. When secure founder is set, only the real founder will be able to drop the channel, change its founder and its successor, and not those who have founder level access through the access/qop command.
SET SECUREOPS channel {on|off}
Enables or disables the secure ops option for a channel. When secure ops is set, users who are not on the userlist will not be allowed chanop status.
SET SIGNKICK channel {on|level|off}
Enables or disables signed kicks for a channel. When SIGNKICK is set, kicks issued with the KICK command will have the nick that used the command in their reason.
If you use LEVEL, those who have a level that is superior or equal to the SIGNKICK level on the channel won’t have their kicks signed.
SET SUCCESSOR channel nick
Changes the successor of a channel. If the founder’s nickname expires or is dropped while the channel is still registered, the successor will become the new founder of the channel. The new nickname must be a registered one. However, if the successor already has too many channels registered (5), the channel will be dropped instead, just as if no successor had been set.
Associate a URL with the channel


/msg ChanServ SET SIGNKICK #myChannel on

/msg ChanServ SET KEEPTOPIC #myChannel on

/msg ChanServ SET SUCCESSOR #myChannel Fred

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