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#DuckHunt – Commands & How to Play

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DuckHunt is a game channel, modeled after nintendo’s DuckHunt – but for IRC.


User Commands:
!bang - Shoots at a duck
!reload - Reloads or un-jams the rifle if jammed. 
!lastduck - Displays the time elapsed since the last duck fledged. 
!duckstats [nick] - Displays statistics for a user. 
!shop [id [target]] - Displays a list of purchasable items or makes a purchase if "id" is specified. Some items require a target player to be specified as well.

Purchasable Shop Items: 1- Extra bullet (7 xp) | 2- Extra clip (20 xp) | 3- AP ammo (15 xp) | 4- Explosive ammo (25 xp) | 5- Repurchase confiscated gun (40 xp) | 6- Grease (8 xp) | 7- Sight (6 xp) | 8- Infrared detector (15 xp) | 9- Silencer (5 xp) | 10- Four-leaf clover (13 xp) | 11- Sunglasses (5 xp) | 12- Spare clothes (7 xp) | 13- Brush for gun (7 xp) | 14- Mirror (7 xp) | 15- Handful of sand (7 xp) | 16- Water bucket (10 xp) | 17- Sabotage (14 xp) | 18- Life insurance (10 xp) | 19- Liability insurance (5 xp) | 20- Decoy (8 xp) | 21- Piece of bread (2 xp) | 22- Ducks detector (5 xp) | 23- Mechanical duck (50 xp) 

(id = Shop Item Number, example: !shop 5)

Administrative Commands:
last duck <chan> Displays the time elapsed since the last duck fledged. (Order by private message to the Eggdrop) 
ducklaunch <chan> [golden_duck] Triggers the flight of a duck on the specified channel. "golden_duck" determines whether it is a super duck or a normal duck and can be 0 (normal) or 1 (super-duck). If "golden_duck" is omitted, it will default to 0. (Order by private message to the Eggdrop) duckplanning <chan> Displays the duck flight planning for the current day on the chan specified. (Order by private message to the Eggdrop) duckreplanning <chan> Recalculates a different schedule for the current day on the channel specified. (Order by private message to the Eggdrop) ducklist <chan> [search argument] Displays the list of user profiles on the specified channel or performs a search in it. (Order by private message to the Eggdrop) 
duckrename <chan> <old nickname> <new nickname> Renames a user's statistics profile. (Order by private message to the Eggdrop) 
duckfusion <chan> <destination nickname> <source nickname 1> [source nickname 2] [...] Merges statistics from multiple user profiles. The stats of all source nicks will be merged into the nick destination. (Order by private message to the Eggdrop) 
duckdelete <chan> <nick> Deletes a user's statistics profile. (Order by private message to the Eggdrop) 
!unarm [-static] <nick> Disarms a player. The -static parameter ensures that it will not be rearmed when next automatic return of weapons. 
!rearm <nick> Returns their rifle to a player who has been automatically or manually disarmed. 
duckexport [sort criteria] Exports player data as a table to a text file. The sort criterion can be nick, last_activity, xp, level, xp_lvl_up, gun, ammo, max_ammo, ammo_clips, max_clips, accuracy, effective_accuracy, deflection, defense, jamming, jammed, jammed_nbr, confisc, ducks, golden_ducks, missed, empty, accidents, wild_shots, total_ammo, shot_at, neutralized, deflected, deaths, best_time, average_reflex_time, karma, rank or items. If no sort criteria is specified, the array will be sorted by nickname. (Order by private message to the Eggdrop)
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