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Channel, Group & Project Cloaks

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Channel, Group & Project Cloaks

IRC4Fun now offers customized cloaks for Channels, Groups and Projects that meet certain requirements.

User Cloaks

Users who are unaffiliated with channels, groups or projects on IRC4Fun will have normal user-cloaks.  (Such as: users/account)

*Non-affiliated user cloaks (users/account) are not able to request Checkmark verification.

Additional User Cloaks:


Eligible channels on IRC4Fun can provide channel-cloaks to users on their access list.  (Such as: channel-name/account)

Eligibility Guidelines:

  • Channel must be registered with ChanServ
  • Channel must maintain an average of 10 or more users.
  • Channel cannot violate IRC4Fun Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), such as: hate-speech groups, illegal activity, etc.
  • Only users on the channel’s access list are eligible for a channel cloak, IF the Founder has OPT-IN to channel cloaks for the channel.


Eligible groups on IRC4Fun can provide group-cloaks to users on their channel(s) access lists.  (Such as: Group/position/account)

Eligibility Guidelines:

  • Channel must be registered with ChanServ
  • Group Information must be verifiable
  • Group cannot violate IRC4Fun Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), such as: hate-speech groups, illegal activity, etc.
  • Only users on the channel’s access list are eligible for a group cloak.
  • Group Contact is required


Eligible projects on IRC4Fun can provide project-cloaks to users on their channel(s) access lists.  (Such as: Project/position/account)

Eligibility Guidelines:

  • Channel must be registered with ChanServ
  • Project Information must be verifiable
  • Project cannot violate IRC4Fun Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), such as: hate-speech groups, illegal activity, etc.
  • Only users on the channel’s access list are eligible for a project cloak.
  • Project Contact is required


Request Information

If you qualify for one of the above custom cloaks, please open a Support Ticket with the appropriate information to verify the request(s).


Verification (Checkmarks) are also available, if requested (and able to meet the Checkmarks verification).  *Non-affiliated user cloaks are not able to request Checkmark verification.

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