Happy 13th Birthday, IRC4Fun!

Happy 13th Birthday, IRC4Fun!

Happy 13th Birthday, IRC4Fun! IRC4Fun is celebrating it's 13th year of operation today (10/20/2020)!  We would like to thank our channels, guests, staff and most importantly -- our users! We…

Changing your Password -or- MAXLOGINS

Changing your Password or MAXLOGINS setting

Going forward, users who wish to change their password or MAXLOGINS setting must use the CService Web Interface to make these changes.  Previously, users could change either their Password or set their MAXLOGINS setting within X.  These changes allow users to better maintain the security of their accounts as well as provide better consistency for users in regards to updating their MAXLOGINS setting.

CService Account Passwords

Channel Service Account Passwords – Update

We’ve updated the requirements for Account passwords today.  While we have not had any breaches or compromises, the updated requirements will help to maintain the security of accounts by requiring stronger passwords.